Insurance agents seems knowledgeable and friendly. They really acts like they wants to help you after your accident, but do not be fooled. They are in the insurance business and they want to protect their bottom line. They are not your neighbor and they are not trying to get you back to where you were before your accident occurred. They are not on your side, no matter what they may tell you. At the end of the day, they have a job to do, and that job is not to be your advocate.
Insurance Companies are in the Business to Make Money
At their core, insurance companies are a business, and the purpose of a business is to make money. An insurance company will make money in one of two ways. They will make money from the premiums they charge and from the claims that they deny. Because of this, they are not going to want to pay you the compensation that you deserve for your pain and suffering, medical expenses, or other damages to which you may be entitled.
All of a sudden, that friendly insurance agent will make every effort possible to deny your claim. So, when the insurance adjuster comes knocking at your door or gives you a call after your accident, you need to be extremely cautious when they take your statement, ask to discuss a settlement with you, or request that you send in medical records that are not directly related to your accident.
What is Wrong with Helping the Adjuster?
When the insurance adjuster asks you to make a statement, they are not doing it just to find out your side of the story. They will use your statement against you to limit your damages. In most situations, you are not required to give a statement, so be sure you talk to an attorney before you do so.
The adjuster may also ask for your medical records. Giving them records related to your accident is not usually a problem, but do not give them access to records from prior to your accident. The insurance company will try to search for prior medical conditions in order to limit or even deny your claim. They will try to say that your injuries, symptoms, or damages are due to a condition that you already had.
The insurance adjuster will likely be in a hurry to settle your claim and get you to accept a settlement offer. Why? Because they will try to pay you as little as possible and get you to agree to the offer before you seek the advice of an attorney.
In many instances, the offer they make you will not even pay for your damages and medical expenses, and it certainly will not take into consideration other damages such as mental anguish, pain and suffering, or disfigurement that you suffered as a result of the accident.
Contact an Experienced Maritime Law Attorney Today
If you have been injured on the job, you need to seek the advice of an experienced attorney before you try to deal with an insurance adjuster on your own. The attorneys at Kolodny Law Firm can help you understand your rights and work with the insurance adjusters for you so you can focus on your recovery. Let us ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.